Monday, March 10, 2008

To Zoo, or Not to Zoo...

Fejervary is an icon in the history of Davenport. Growing up, kids were able to go to a smaller zoo that seemed to be just as friendly as Niabi, despite its size. Now, we are faced with a dilemma, continue to fund a money pit, or say enough and move on.

I think I’m in the move on group, but I suppose I could be swayed. Here is the issue, to put out 200K and get 30K in return, tells me that it’s less of an attraction than it probably should be. It seems that what used to be, a local attraction that actually attracted people, is fading on its own. If attendance is that poor, assuming that admission and other sources of income are accurate, there is not enough attendance to support this venture. We have the Niabi Zoo, with a significantly bigger budget and more animals. I know the kids in my family go to Niabi, and probably don’t end up at Fejervary. I know when I was growing up, my grandma took me there once, but we frequently went to Niabi.
I am not impressed by the poor animals argument. I am confident that if the zoo is eliminated, that the animals would be placed in other zoos, and properly cared for. One of the comments in the QC Times was something to the fact that if we can’t do it right, we shouldn’t do it at all. I happen to agree with that, and 250K, after the proposed addition of a curator, could be much better spent.

I would like to question Mike Matson. What on earth is this guy thinking? We have spent all of this money on community development and he wants to take half of the money we give to the economic development group and dump it into the zoo? To me, that’s like remodeling your business and eliminating your marketing department. Not a wise move, along with the other hair-brained idea of eliminating two half-time officers. These positions would result in officers being removed from the front desk and put on the street. I think we need to focus on necessity and not on frills.

One commenter on the Times, who may be right, but doesn’t really apply here, made note that we cant afford a zoo, so it ends up in Illinois, along with a civic center (I-Wireless), racetrack in Newton, etc. It’s not that we are turning down something new, we are simply eliminating something that has had its prime and passed. Let’s get something that we are proud of. Lets get the necessities in place and build from there.

I think the mayor can take less of a hard line here. Like I said, I may still be swayed, but my initial opinion is consistent with the mayor thus far. I would like to commend the council on a side note. This is the first time we see a budget and there isn’t the ‘Cut Police and Fire’ vulture circling. This is probably one of the most positive things I’ve seen thus far from this council.


Anonymous said...

I agree, if no one is going there, why spend the money.


Anonymous said...

Let them go to the Figee.

Anonymous said...

I hate to say this, but no one is ever in teh figge either. Are we going to close it. I sure that the paintings will find homes and people to care for them properly.