Saturday, March 15, 2008

I Hope This is Temporary...

I am a little concerned with the article in reference to the new police chief. From what I gathered, during the interview process, the interview candidates were running on a platform of change for the better. Community policing and a more efficient department is what is needed in Davenport, but now we have someone hired and claiming that he is not going to make any changes?

3-12-08 New Police Chief : Donchez Learns Davenport Ways

I hope that these are comments directed at the fact that he needs to get his feet wet before making changes, but the way this article is written it doesn’t really spell that out. It seems that Donchez doesn’t want to make major changes. For that, I would suggest that we should have just promoted someone that is already there. We pay status quo on a daily basis. We hired someone who purported to want change, because I think that’s what we need.

I was not at the open interviews or public meetings on this, and I could be wrong on what his intent was while addressing the public and the interview panel before his hire. Maybe someone that was there can comment further on the contrast between the pre and post hiring comments. My concerns are founded from this article:

1-15-08 Davenport Police Chief Finalists Emphasize Community Policing

And here is the ultimate ironic twist. Mr. Yerington, praising the man that he apologized for hiring, citing it was a big mistake, was praising Malin and making comments about a fresh view being needed. Granted, he has every right to have a beef with the administration that is currently in place, but despite the potential conflicts here, I think Yerington is right.

‘Yerington also likes the idea of new blood at the leadership level.’

“Davenport is at the point right now where an outside, fresh view is needed,” he said. “And we’re going to get that no matter who Craig decides to hire.”

It seemed that the candidates were all about changes, but now what? I hope that this new guy is kept on his toes and we truly have a positive outcome here. We need to give him a chance, but I hope it doesn’t take him long to get his feet wet and make changes that results in cleaning up some neglected areas of the city. Yes, we have a great police department, but the delivery of police protection in Davenport needs a change. If we truly are getting a fresh view, like Yerington thought we were going to get based on his comments, I hope that the fresh view doesn't disappoint us resulting in the same old routine.


QuadCityImages said...

The way I read the article, I took it as he wasn't going to start making changes for the sake of change, just to put "his stamp" on things. I've seen new managers come in and immediately start sending out memos of changes their going to make, just so their bosses feel like something's being done.

I just wish they'd give officers back the discretion of when to chase and when to let 'em go.

Anonymous said...

Craig you blew any chance of change by saying Bladel ran a good ship. Crazy.Man yo's way out in spoace.

Anonymous said...

Yes really Craig. YOu have such an opportunity to really change the face of this city, to make it beautiful and clean and crime free. But, youchoose not to use that power and influence. Instead you allow the low income housing and slum landlords take over. It ain't good boooy.

Anonymous said...

Yes really Craig. YOu have such an opportunity to really change the face of this city, to make it beautiful and clean and crime free. But, youchoose not to use that power and influence. Instead you allow the low income housing and slum landlords take over. It ain't good boooy.

Davenport Growing Paines said...

You're right. Carig can help make the city better. The only person I see pandering to slumlords consistently is Bill Lynn.

Davenport Growing Paines said...

QCI. I agree with your take on the article... I just hope that this is the case and some change will occur eventually.

I do also agree that officers should be able to make decisions on when to pursue and when to not. They also should be put under the microscope a little less. I have heard some stories where it seems like the administration is a little unreasonable, and don't let cops use their judgement in other cases as well.

Anonymous said...

Oh I don't know, Craig has done his own pandering. But, anyway - I think inaction is pandering when it comes to Dan and the boys. Most of the alderman fail to stand up to the crap and the city staff is concerned about being treated like Loos - they have children and wives and husbands to support. Most could not get as good a paying jobs in the real pay sector. What Craig did to Mike Loos - in turn - the entire dept was deplorable and shameful. Mike was doing a great job and he was actually cleaning up the central city. What a great guy he is and was as an employee. Craig failed to stand up for what is correct.

Anonymous said...

I agree, when it comes to back bone, Malin is a squid. Loos should be running that department still today. And those who support the QCRPA, like Lynn, Ambrose, and Hamerlinck, should be on their knees asking for forgiveness. They did a very bad thing and God will make things right. It will just take time.
Keep up the good work Gluba, shut those smart ass aldermen down before they can help the slumlords any more.

Anonymous said...

I agree above poster. I think that in my coversations with many alderman & the mayor, they have every intention on taking the landlords to task in due time. The 3 elected amigo's that support the landlords will get a couple black eyes before it's all said & done. I, for one, can't wait!

Anonymous said...

We do not have the luxury of time. The summer is coming the summer is coming!!!!

Anonymous said...

As nice as it wouldd be to blame Craig Malin for all the ills of the city, he is can only give advice. The council members are the decision makers.
Things seem alot more hopeful with this new council. We indeed have the nay-sayers, Ambrose, Lynn and Hammerlink, but since they didn't want 4 year terms, we only have 2 years of them and then we can really get things rolling in this town.