Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Yes, I am Still Alive, and no I'm Still Not Craig...

Have I been on hiatus? No, actually I haven’t seen much worth writing, but for the spirit of conversation, I’ll submit some hip shots…

Gas prices are horrible. On KWQC the other night, they pointed out that we are 0.70 CPG over what we were paying this time last year. Out of curiosity, after a quick dose of Rolaids, I did the math. 12,000 miles per year, divided by 18 MPG times .70 adds up to a lovely 466.00 plus change. So much for the Bush stimulus plan, 134 for me, 466 for oil.

The historical house thing seemed to make some waves. I am generally not a fan of the historical society type, as they are the first to complain about tearing something down, but are never interested in putting money where their mouth is. I am thinking that they may have a point on this one, however. First off, it was on a historic registry long before demolition considerations surfaced. Now, I will admit, I am ignorant as to the historical value of the home, other than the fact that it is old, and does possess character, unlike most construction today. I do take exception to the likely alternative motive for demolition, which seems to be surface parking. Hamerlinck was displaying his true ‘what team am I on today’ colors when he departed to the opposite pole from the Menards issue. From one week, so concerned about the impact of a project on a neighborhood, to another week, who cares about that neighborhood, after all, the parking is in the name of God. Jesus drove his Lexus to church and sure didn’t have to park on the street with everyone else.

I recently had a business trip in Ohio. Do not leave the state. Remember the political ads? We are safe here.

The stabbing at 4th and Gaines in the paper this morning seems to surround more John Lewis folk. I could complain, but why, it's all the same, just a different day.

And lastly, the Iowa smoking ban. Outstanding, and I hope it passes. Thanks to the Illinois ban, I went bowling for the first time in ages. Hopefully I will be able to go the bowling alley a little closer to my home next time.


Anonymous said...

Quit throwing up distractions Mr. Malin Sir you have a car allowance the rest of us could only dream of as does everyone else who drives a City of Daqvenport autombiole with no side windows through the central city to read the morning newspaper.

Anonymous said...

Awww, poor Paine...we havent heard from you for weeks now, and your 1st blogger starts calling you "Malin"....Paine, nothing has changed here!!! hehehe
Anywho, It's great to see ya back in the saddle! Welcome back! Great ist blog also.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you are back, we missed you. I believe that the 4th and Gaines incident had nothing to do with John Lewis. John Lewis isn't always the culprit. As for the St. Paul's house. You made an interesting point about Hammerlinks change of heart.

Anonymous said...

In fact, the stabbing near 4th and Gaines did invove John Lewis people. The woman in the past, the man in a housing program. I'm curious why that is an issue? People rarely have much to say about the people who successfully re-enter society with the help of programs or agencies like John Lewis. I suppose it's easier to focus on the negative, especially with a big easy target. My guess is they are probably too busy trying to help people to bother with sad little blogs.

Anonymous said...

I don't agree with the smoking ban. It should be left to the businesses to decide.

I will ask that since the state deems it so bad, why can we purchase tobacco in stores? Why not ban the sale of tobacco in the state? I know why we won't see revenue.


Anonymous said...

Yawn ......... who cares who you are. Boring!

Anonymous said...


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