I wanted to let this one simmer for a few days and take in the comments to see where this headed. As usual, most of the spouting off without thinking occurred on the Times site (and Keith’s blog, even though it is assumed at this point).
The best justification of the changes seems to be from Alderman Frink’s blog. I think the Times wrote a pretty fair article here, and they point out all angles of the issue. But is this really news? Changing the schedule of meetings seems like a relatively mundane act. The article does flag one issue for me anyway, that Hamerlinck and Ambrose are probably going to be the aldermen this round that don’t think before they speak. Can someone explain to me why the public should set the dates and times of the city council meetings? I think the 8th Ward Alderman Mike Matson is right, the previous scheduling was confusing.
Every Wednesday there are meetings, one day a week. This schedule to me makes sense, and the comment about the fact that there is more time between the committee meetings and the council meetings, might actually help aldermen that don’t do their homework. Meyer was a good example of this, constantly asking questions that could have been answered before the meetings, and Hamerlinck is right behind him evidenced by falsely claiming that the council knew little to nothing about the Promise. Since Hamerlinck and Ambrose don’t seem to have much time to do any homework, one would think that they would be happy to have more time to get things done.
Now on to the bulls**t about eliminating the public’s voice. For the illiterate people that cannot read an entire article, it only says that it’s being moved to the end of the meeting. This is certainly smarter than anything concerning the schedule. For anyone that has had to sit through a rant by Suzie Bell, it makes going to a meeting for an actual purpose actually tolerable. The council can actually tend to business, get comments on actual action items, then move on to the open mic night. As far as televising it or not, I see Gluba’s point, that removing it from the TV may slow some open mic night people who may just want to see themselves talk, however, if the Times quotes a citizen during that or the comments actually contain something that is valid and reasonable, I would want to be able to watch it and listen to what was said.
Keith has managed to rear his schizophrenic head and post a comment on his blog: Move "to a recess" is a fancy expression for eliminate. Dictatorships always move to restrict public input rather than deal with its own incompetence.” Since Gluba has managed to appoint people to the committees, I’m not sure where the delusion of eliminate comes from, and since public input is not being eliminated, just moved, I’m again not sure how there is a move to restrict it. Keith again is reading between the lines, or reading hallucinations, along with a bunch of other complainers that apparently have nothing better to do. In addition to that, what are these people going to do on Thursdays now? I heard rumor there may be a game of Blues Clues at Keith’s.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Change... Not the kind that jingles...
City Council,
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Thanks Craig for your opinion. Nice job.
I don't know Payne. I think you and many of the newly and some oldy elected underestimate the will and desires of the people of Davenport.
"the will and the desires of the people of Davenport" -you mean the handful of bored and bitter people that hang onto grudges and prejudice to fill their every waking moment?
No - all I say is that don't think that they people who hover at the meetings are the only ones who care.There are plenty of people who want better government and see that not happening. City hall has so many problems that people don't know about. And many more that they do know about. This city is run poorly and that effects more people then not. People are upset because they can't get decent service from our staff and then we get taxed and taxed and taxed for stuff we don't benefit from.
Thanks for your slanted view on this subject, but what more could we expect from you. Have you read Mr. Anderson's view on this? He has some very good points about the procedure by which this was enacted.
Who is Mr. Anderson?
For Mr. Anderson's comments get off of Malin's blog and go to Keith Meyers
As Keith is very aware of the on going investigation concerning the corruption that runs rampant in the city of Davenport I am sure he is going to be absolutely positive his statements are accurate and based on fact. By the way, have the candidates for police chief been made aware of the situation they are walking into? Or does Malin still believe he is untouchable?
I have looked at Meyer’s blog, I see absolutely nothing of any substantive evidence that he has any idea of what he is talking about. Rampant corruption? How can you even begin to believe that corruption is rampant, in every nook and cranny of Davenport?
If you are going to make these off-the-wall accusations you have to be ready to give solid evidence to support them, or, be dismissed as delusional. But then again, maybe your real name is Keith.
The Mayor and council, excluding Hammerlink & Ambrose, have it right. The meeting schedule is a reasonable choice, a good way to keep all of the aldermen informed, a productive way of doing the people’s business. And, gives plenty opportunity for public input.
Meyer's blog should be named...."Moon Beam". Thanks Paine for your grounded/factual opinions. The conspiracy folks can't stand that they have no platform to splash their BS thru city hall any longer. They are having a REALLY hard time dealing with it.....Not that we REALLY want those folks to go anywhere, cause we enjoy your ridiculous remarks, but don't get worried Paine, when you see your competition moving in, by the name of "Moon Beam"....don't lose any sleep.
So, Meyer got mad and took down his blog?
If so, where do I go for mu entertainment?
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