Monday, January 21, 2008

Inappropriate Comments...

Anonymous said...
Qualities of people on the blog who attack Meyer:1. Stupid2. Liars3. Greedy4. Named Kenady5. Con artists6. Drug users
January 21, 2008 1:52 PM

Well, Keith’s blog seems to have taken a sabbatical, but I’m not convinced Keith has. Keith, or one of his minions, are making some fun accusations. It seems that everyone that disagrees with him aggravate him to no end, quite frankly I think I am no longer dealing with an adult. This is simply elementary behavior and really the main reason I don’t have any respect for Keith as a leader or representative. Keith did well at making issue of wasteful behavior in the city, but has seemed to have lost it as of late. I considered deleting this comment, since it has no foundation and violates my rules one through three.

My thoughts are simple. If Keith didn’t want to be what he terms “attacked” he probably wouldn’t be throwing comments out like this one. I can assure everyone that I am not a liar, greedy, a con artist and I do not do drugs. Since stupid is a pretty vague term most everyone that has met me do not categorize me in that way, nor would anyone say that I come close to that assessment. Lastly, I don’t know who Kenady is. I haven’t seen a login like that on the blogs or on the Times. Maybe someone can fill me in as to who that is or point out a screen name or comments.

Keith has to realize that most people that actually do research and think before they speak are likely not going to agree with him. I do disagree with most of what he has to say and recognize that most of what he says is not supported by facts or any reasonability whatsoever. For example, we saw on his blog the accusation of a problem in the sixth ward and nothing came of it. In addition I am being accused of being Craig, which is totally wrong... I don’t even work for the city. I was totally lost on a post he made about the riverboats in reference to racing and gaming, then he posted something about trash that in itself was a confusing pile of rubbish. Someone has posted that the poor Keith days are over, and I agree. Whether the above post was Keith or not, I will delete anything else that makes it in the comments that has no foundation, and is quite frankly trash. If you cannot make a logical argument, and resort to name calling or other elementary behavior, it only shows me that you want to be oppositional for the sake of opposition.


QuadCityImages said...

Just FYI, Bruce Kenady was Bill Boom's campaign manager for the last 2 elections. However, I don't think he's Paine. I also agree that Keith's supporters are being sore losers about anything and everything.

Anonymous said...

another posting about Meyer. Oh my . Isn't there anything else to discuss in Davenport today. the poster actually had it wrong. those posting about meyer are ocupationally and personally insecure, nasty bully mean and institutional mental. People are terified at the possibility that meyer will return to finish the task. i doubt he even wants to.

Anonymous said...

Keith Meyer is actually a pretty good guy. He would give the shirt off his back. Really. I don't always agree with him, but I think it is inappropriate to personally attack people. Paine, you are not better then the rest of us. You are not better then those who you accuse.

Anonymous said...

We would all quit talking about Meyer if he would treat other's views with respect.

Too often Keith is the first to attack and he recieves in kind.

Anonymous said...

Hey Bruce. I don't recall meyer printing a single word about your boy billy, in either of the two elections. Can't say the same for you can we.People are just afraid of meyer so they need try and depict him as a crazy. Never discuss issues, just talk about how crazy meyer is. It is always about attack and call crazie joanna or someone els.SOrry boy haven't a clue of otherwise how imature you ares, the problem is meyer can see through you dumb phonies.What goes around works its way back home to bite you.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Paine, I enjoy reading your blog very much, it is very informative. I must say that I am in the "Keith Meyer overdose" mode as many other bloggers are. But on your last post, I feel it shall not go unanswered.

QCI is correct, I was Bill Boom's campaign manager for the last 2 election cycles. As a volunteer, and as a private citizen of Davenport.
But, since my last name is Kenady, I can only assume the blogger was talking about myself. Since the indidual does not have the b@lls of posting ridiculous personal attacks without identification, doing ANON, says it all. I have not been attacking Mr.Meyer here, or anywhere else for that matter. It seems to be getting done very effectively with out any of my help.

So, if this person would like to further their personal attacks on my character as a private citizen of this city, I have no problem discussing this face to face. ( I won't hold my breathe since you can't even put a screen name to your slanderous garbage) You can let me know where/when works best for you, I will be VERY accomodating.

Until then, if you would like to FACTUALLTY insult me, it would be greatly appreciated.

P.S. I did chuckle with the verbal insult beginning with the word "qualities" because it is obvious you have none.

Now, everyone in this great city, and especially the forgotten folks in the 3rd ward go have a great day, help is on the way!!!!

Mr. Kenady

Anonymous said...

ANON 11:57,
My offer has not changed. Where/when?

Your "BOY"

Davenport Growing Paines said...

I agree with the Keith Meyer overdose statement. That being said:

1) I will not mention Keith again unless he chooses to continue to attack me with his blues clues game or like he did here: November 29, 2007 5:23 AM in the thread on JLCS.

2) I will delete comments that belittle Keith without any foundation, just for the sake of calling him names or attacking him.

3) Keith will pick his own battles here, if he wants to dish it out I don't want to hear any bulls**t about poor Keith being attacked. If you are confused, read the post at January 22, 2008 10:36 AM above.

4) Remember, I never went after Keith directly until he called me a jerk...

QuadCityImages said...

Exactly. I tried to at least see his side of things, and then he started insulting people. He insulted anyone who had trouble understanding his website, saying they must have an IQ of under 75. He called Paine a jerk, and then called people assholes on his blog. This is a two-way street folks. Personally, I hope there are no insults going in either direction, but we'll see what happens.

Anonymous said...

Grow up people.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Bruce Does your sir recall the reason for the Boominator post. Lying really doesn't do your image much bother? Help is on the way? Oh my. Thanks very little much.Have a good year.

Anonymous said...


what in the world are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

Awww, the truthful boominator comment....still can't sleep at night about the TRUTH? It's ashame it was deleted. I'm glad I printed it before it was sent to blog heaven. Mr. Paine, and I'm sure QCI, would allow a FACTUAL comment stand on it's own merit. Maybe I should repost it word for word. I think 57% would enjoy the read.
It's the other 43% that are having a really hard time with reality/truth these days.

Yesterday I was your "boy"
Today, your "brother"...mmm.

I hope your "sir" remembers my offer...when/where?
P.S. I will pray for a set of b@lls for ya tonight too.

Anonymous said...

I am not sir, I am not Boominator, I am not your boy, I am not your brother and I still don’t know what you are talking about. Oh, by the way, my IQ is above 75.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I wasted three minutes of my time reading this crap! Who cares, it's just one of ten alderman chairs and doesn't represent much of the Davenport voters. Both of you grow a pair!

Anonymous said...

Meyer isn't an alderman.

Anonymous said...

I am beginning to wonder if Paine is actually a Boom campaigner or someone such as that. A lot of hatred for Meyer - an obsession. You need help.

Anonymous said...

The only one who has much good to say about Meyer is Meyer.