Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Hip Shots...

Though I have been busy lately, I am paying attention. There are just a few things I would like to throw out there...

1. Will the Iowa Legislature consideration of moving the local option sales tax to a statewide tax affect promise? My initial thought is that it might. From what I understand, each initiative must be approved by voters. I am leery of a project that would come up for vote possibly on an annual basis and lose finding all together with one election. I am still on the fence about promise anyway with the lack of private funding.

2. Though Keith Meyer has managed to post Craig Malin's resume on his blog under Blues Clues headings, I assure everyone that this is another delusion and that I am not Craig Malin. If I found that Craig was blogging like me, I would consider it unprofessional and would be happy to go after him like anyone else in government making bad decisions.

3. I think the open forum in relation to the police chief position was a very good thing. I hope this shows that this council isn't just BS'ing us in relation to the openness of government. I also hope this is the start of many items that can be referenced to point at when the crybabies (see last post about meeting changes) start saying there is no public input. I am confident that wont be the case with this group.

4. More aldermen are coming up with blogs. I think this is a great communication tool. I just hope that people use the alderman's blogs constructively and use it for information and genuine comments, instead of psychotic entries. If you want to see a psychotic entry on a blog, read Keith's question about how many D1 businesses are laundering drug money. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse. Does anyone know why nobody comments on Keith's blog? Oh wait, we are sane... Opinionated, but sane.

I'm verclempt, talk amongst yourselves.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Craig. We ain't buying it.

QuadCityImages said...

Oh come on, Paine doesn't even write like Craig. He doesn't quite have the same level of sarcasm that we see in the Council Updates.

Anonymous said...

Malin and Meyere are arch enemies. Paine hates Meyer and apparently can't stop dwelling on him. Very pathetic.

Anonymous said...

I doubt that Malin spends much time thinking about Meyer.

Meyer continues his blog, posting and talking to himself. No one pays any attention to anything he says. No one responds to his posts. The only responses to Keith seem to pop up on Cruisers blog. Makes you wonder if Keith is posting anonymously on Cruisers blog about Meyer’s blog to try to make it look like someone values the content of Meyer’s blog. Very strange.

Anonymous said...

Malin, Growing, and Chris QCI,open Meyer's blog over two dozen times every 24 hours.
sample tracking:

5:19 PM / davenportgrowingpaines.blogspot.com
5:09 PM / quadcityimages.blogspot.com
4:50 PM / quadcityimages.blogspot.com
4:11 PM http://keithmeyer3rdward.typepad.com/
3:52 PM / quadcityimages.blogspot.com
3:34 PM / quadcityimages.blogspot.com
1:55 PM / quadcityimages.blogspot.com
1:55 PM / davenportgrowingpaines.blogspot.com
1:32 PM More help keithmeyer3rdward.typepad.com/my_weblog
1:31 PM /
1:20 PM /
1:17 PM / quadcityimages.blogspot.com
1:06 PM / www.quadcityimages.blogspot.com
12:55 PM / quadcityimages.blogspot.com
12:36 PM Tell me something I don't know. Comment stream is open. keithmeyer3rdward.typepad.com/my_weblog
12:35 PM / quadcityimages.blogspot.com
12:03 PM / davenportgrowingpaines.blogspot.com
12:01 PM / davenportgrowingpaines.blogspot.com
12:01 PM / davenportgrowingpaines.blogspot.com

QuadCityImages said...


If this is what it appears to be, that means that people "click through" FROM our blogs to Meyer's blog. As always, without any context its hard to tell what is going on with that data. I certainly don't check Keith's blog more than once a day, and when I do I go directly to the url, not through a link on my blog.

Anonymous said...

I admit, I will go to Meyer's blog from the link on QCI or Davenport Growing Paines sites. Most often I will go to Meyer's blog after reading a post or comment about Meyer's most recent moronic bit of nonsense.

Meyer's latest post on this site regarding the frequency of visits by QCI & Paine demonstrates his lack of knowledge and his inflated sense of self importance. No one individual would view Meyer's site once an hour, there is nothing to see beyond his latest post. There are no comments, just Meyer talking to himself.

A visit to Meyer's blog is for the entertainment value. What is he going to say that will top the last piece of nonsense; you have to look. The latest post is a case in point, "Assholes Hire Assholes", what in the world is that supposed to mean?

Davenport Growing Paines said...

1. I visit Meyer's blog once a day, if that.

2. I don't hate Meyer, I am, however, amused at how fired up he gets when someone doesn't agree with him.

3. I don't dwell on Meyer, he just sets himself up for cheap shots all the time. I only hope anyone that supports him thinks twice at the delusional and off the wall nature of most everything he says. As long as he is willing to keep up his mindless drivel, I will continue to keep his blood pressure at or above hypertensive crisis.

4. I am now going to look at Meyer's blog. Thank goodness there are no comments so I wont have to be there long.

Anonymous said...

I am guilty of 'clicking thru' to Keith's blog.
I only go to it when I need to get a headache from trying to proof read something or to figure out what is playing on nickelodeon and on occasion wonder how he hasn't been sued for his 'content.'

Anonymous said...

Sometimes the TRUTH does hurt. The "poor Keith" days are over. He was a total embarrassment to this city for way too long. He may be a nice guy to many that agreed with him.....But for the majority of us that didn't agree, we were all in bed with the "enemy." Keith will do everything/anything to get even. You just watch sympathy backer. He has you buffaloed..but not us.

Ass, or no ass, Keep up the good work Paine!

Anonymous said...

I noticed that any post on Cruiser's 2 blog usaully ends up something about Meyer. Maybe they should merge the 2 blogs.

"Cruising the Moon Beam"

Anonymous said...

So, did Meyer get mad and give up the blog business? Or maybe he decided to take a break, fix the functionality of the blog and reconsider his narcissistic, delusional subject matter and join the world of reality.

Anonymous said...

What's the deal with Terry Swails?
I tried to go to the blog that was listed in yesterdays paper and it would not work. I know there have been a lot of changes at the station since the new owners took over.

Did you notice the new Davenport One commercial starts with K&K Hardware and not a Davenport business. K&K is a great business and should be recognized, but as the first business in a D1 commercial. Just thought it should of been 3 or 4th. Maybe D1 treats them better then the Bettendorf chamber.

Anonymous said...

A lot of non Davenport businesses are members of DavenportOne and are active members. Many businesses view the entire Quad Cities as their hometown. Many of those same businesses support the Quad City Development Group as well.

I know the Illinois company I work for does.

Anonymous said...

� Sunday Viewing Conundrum � Barrett Jackson or Packers ?

Anonymous said...

Terry Swails is history as far as KWQC is concerned. He was costing them too much to keep around. You will see him in commercials utill his contract ends but not live anymore. We will miss him.

Anonymous said...

Wait a second.

Meyer used the word "asshole" on his blog?

But wit, he never swears! Just ask his many defenders who said the accounts of his curse-filled tirade at the skatepark were fabrications.

Yeah, right.

Anonymous said...

Above poster....Ditto! Meyer's defenders are having a harder & harder time defending him on many fronts. He has a fowl mouth, and has an anger management problem. (only if you disagree with him) Just ask the people that bought the old Catholic church at the bottom of Marquette Street about Meyer's foul mouth, and his anger & hatred. I think Meyer should have stayed longer that day, and prayed. I know a few people that were there that would have administered the prayer chain for him.

Anonymous said...

Qualities of people on the blog who attack Meyer:
1. Stupid
2. Liars
3. Greedy
4. Named Kenady
5. Con artists
6. Drug users

Anonymous said...

Awww, you poor Keith supporters, (or Keith himself) now you have come to name calling......Interesting....

As your 3rd grade teacher would say of name calling.....

stupid= Go stand in the corner!

Liar= you will write..."I will not call my fellow citizens a liar" 1000 times!

Greedy= you will be awarded one day of detention for that comment!

Named Kenady= mmm, not sure, but an "F" for spelling????

Con Artist= Mr...you are off to see the principal for that one!

Drug Useres= a 3 day SUSPENTION!!!!! As Nancy would say..."just say NO!"

Keith...the Paine of it all!

Anonymous said...

One thing about our city adminstrator is that he cannot let an attack or comment about him go un-answered. Paine - your blog is a little too Meyer crazy don't you think? Don't you have better things to talk about?

Anonymous said...

Yes, can we please just ignore the former alderman?

Anonymous said...

ANON 1:52,
Since my last name is Kenady, I assume you are talking about me. But, since you don't have the b@lls of posting your ridiculous personal attacks without identification, doing it ANON, says it all. I have not been attacking Meyer, it seems to be getting done very effectively with out any of my help.

So, if you would like to further your personal attacks on my character as a private citizen of this city, I have no problem discussing this face to face. (I won't hold my breathe since you can't even put a screen name to your slanderous garbage.) You just let me know where/what works best, I will be very accomodating.

Until then, if you would like to put some kind of facts with your "personal hack job" it would be greatly appreciated.

P.S. I did chuckle with your vicious attack with the word "qualities."
It is abvious you have none.

Now, everyone in this great city, and especially the forgotten folks in the 3rd ward, go have a great day, help is on the way!!!!!

Mr. Kenady

Unknown said...

Make a donation to the Davenport Promise by going here:
Community Foundation

Make sure to select "Davenport Promise" as the puporse of your donation.

Anonymous said...

Seeing how you spell purpose maybe you should save your money for an English Class.

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