Thursday, April 16, 2009

Worst Idea Since Pepsi Clear…

I think that charging 40.00 to have handicapped parking signs put up in front of residences is just crazy. Just when we are trying to eliminate meters downtown to make Davenport a more friendly place, we start charging a challenged population for a couple signs? This is a population that may be limited in the ability to work, and likely have prescription expenses and medical bills that make most people’s premiums look like pocket change.
According to the article in the Times, Justin and Ambrose are against this. Now, call whomever you want, your mom, book of world records, your senator, but I’m definitely with Ambrose on this one. Quite frankly, if you want to control something with handicapped parking permits, start regulating who gets them and who doesn’t. To this day it amazes me that someone has to have a parking tag, but will pay a physical therapist 600.00 an hour to walk on a treadmill. (No offense to the people that actually need them.)
I see one point with merit, that we should look at these placements every couple years to perform a needs assessment. Other than that, I think this needs to go away.


Anonymous said...

Amen DGP! This is just stupid of the council to even think about doing. If they do away with the parking meters downtown, there will be a few meter reader's looking for a job. They could do the assessment's every couple years. (As a Temporary associate threw a Temp Agency!)

Anonymous said...

Alderman Ambrose usually votes the way most of us think. The problem is he's usually in the minority.


Anonymous said...

"Alderman Ambrose usually votes the way most of us think. The problem is he's usually in the minority."

Strange, then, that "most of us" can't seem to get anyone else who thinks like Ambrose elected.

Methinks you have your "silent majorities" confused.

Anonymous said...

Ambrose votes the way "most" of us think? OMG, are you kidding me?
Ya, if we were the stone age....or just stoned, period. Cruiser, dude, what are you smok'in these days bro?

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Cruiser. Ambrose does vote the way I think, that’s why he stays in office while others are eventually voted out. The goal is to vote more people like him into office. Robbie Otize is running for at-large, and he too is a man of the people. VOTE ORTIZ!!

QuadCityImages said...

He apparently votes the way slightly over half of the people in his ward think. That's about all that can be said for sure as far as generalizing his city-wide support.

I just don't see why the $40 is worth all this trouble. In today's article it said they did 50 new signs last year. Is $2000 really worth all this negative publicity?

Anonymous said...

I too agree that a $40 fee is ridiculous. However I strongly feel that there does need to be an assessment every two years to prove to the city and state that there is still a doucmented need to have the signs in front on someone's home. I have a neighbor who had signs put up in front of his home due to his wife being terminally ill with cancer. She has since died and the signs are still there. After she passed away he parked in his garage. I did report this to the city and I'm assuming they did give him a visit and now he's parking in front between the signs. While the gentleman is elderly he is certainly not handicapped and he uses the signs to control who parks in front of his property. This is just and abuse of the system and I feel that this is what needs to be looked at.

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